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    Rhineland-Palatinate Labour and Transformation Minister Dörte Schall visits RENOLIT in Worms

    Exchange on the topics of bureaucracy reduction, skills shortage and digital transformation

    Worms, 26 August 2024 – As part of her summer tour of Rhineland-Palatinate, the Rhineland-Palatinate Minister for Labour, Social Affairs, Transformation and Digitalisation, Dörte Schall, visited the RENOLIT headquarters in Worms on 22 August 2024. The minister was welcomed by Executive Board members Karsten Jänicke and Sven Behrendt, the General Manager of the Worms production site Dr. Michael Bätz, Deputy Chairman of the Works Council Thorsten Pieger and Lisa Pichel, Director People Management Germany.

    During her visit, the members of the Executive Board first gave Minister Schall a comprehensive overview of the RENOLIT Group and its goals and projects in the areas of sustainability and digital transformation. The works council and RENOLIT as an employer were also introduced. There was also an exchange on the topics of reducing bureaucracy and the shortage of skilled labour. ‘Our company is firmly anchored in Germany as a business location. However, in order to remain competitive in the future, excessive regulation, bureaucracy and the issue of energy costs must be tackled,' said Executive Board member Sven Behrendt. Following the discussion, Dr. Michael Bätz, General Manager of the Worms production site, gave a tour of the apprenticeship centre, the recycling centre and the production facility. 

    Visiting the production site of RENOLIT SE, Worms (from left to right): Anne-Kathrin Mugrauer (Specialist Internal Communications & PR), Dr. Michael Bätz (General Manager production site Worms), Thorsten Pieger (Deputy Chairman of the Works Council), Dörte Schall (Minister for Labour, Social Affairs, Transformation and Digitalisation), Karsten Jänicke (Executive Board Member), Lisa Pichel (Director People Management Germany), Clarissa Göbel and Lucy Webb Weilacher (advisors to the Ministry) and Sven Behrendt (Executive Board Member).
    Dr. Michael Bätz and Minister Dörte Schall on a tour of the production facility.

    Karsten Jänicke, Executive Board member at RENOLIT, emphasised the importance of the visit: ‘It was a pleasure to welcome Minister Schall to our company. The exchange showed us how important it is to share our experiences and perspectives with politicians. We look forward to continuing to help shape the future of our region and our industry together.’

    ‘RENOLIT is a good example of how sustainability can be anchored in the company, even in an energy-intensive industry, how social partnership in practice secures high-quality employment and at the same time represents a decisive advantage in the competition for skilled workers,’ explained Labour and Transformation Minister Dörte Schall.