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    59 trainees and dual students start their careers at RENOLIT

    Worms, 3 September 2024 – A total of 59 trainees and dual students started their careers at RENOLIT SE yesterday. In Worms 34, in Frankenthal five and at the Bavarian sites in Munich and Waldkraiburg a total of 20 young people started an apprenticeship or dual study programme.

    Bertha Hirsch is one of the new trainees. She has decided to train as a production technologist. ‘Working as a production technologist is super varied. You're involved in everything, from planning and controlling to optimising production processes,' she explains. ’What I find particularly exciting is the teamwork and the opportunity to develop new solutions and put them directly into practice. RENOLIT impressed me above all with its international orientation, the great working atmosphere and the opportunity to work in an innovative environment.’

    After the induction days at the respective locations, the entire 2024 training cohort will come together at the ‘Welcome Days’. RENOLIT invites all trainees and dual students from the four locations in Germany to Worms for three days. The young employees have the opportunity to get to know each other and work together in a fun way in various workshops, rallies and team-building activities. RENOLIT also presents itself as a new employer and the training programme.

    ‘Against the backdrop of demographic change, it is more important than ever for companies like RENOLIT to provide sound training for their own young talent,’ explains Stefania Staikou, Director of Apprenticeship & Studies Germany at RENOLIT. ‘That's why we are delighted to welcome our new apprentices and students. I am proud that we are laying the foundations for a professional career for the next generation of employees with an apprenticeship or degree programme with us.’

    The 2024 training year: apprentices and dual students at the RENOLIT sites in Worms and Frankenthal with their trainers.
    Bertha Hirsch, prospective production technologist, is looking forward to her training at RENOLIT.

    External internships - from nursing homes to the USA

    During training, RENOLIT not only places great importance on professional qualifications, but also on the personal development of junior employees. On the one hand, the company is once again offering young employees a social internship. All second-year apprentices and dual students at the Worms site and the sites in Munich, Waldkraiburg and Frankenthal complete a social internship. In autumn 2024, they will each spend a week working on site in a retirement or nursing home, a social service or a hospital.

    On the other hand, there is once again the option for junior employees to work abroad. RENOLIT makes this possible for as many trainees and dual students as possible. They can spend up to three months working at a RENOLIT location abroad. Trainees from the last training year have been to the USA, England, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Italy and Poland. This allows the young people to familiarise themselves with the RENOLIT sites, the local languages and cultures through the job. 

    Markus Blümle, General Manager Corporate People & Empowerment, emphasises: ‘We are very aware of our social responsibility. That's why we attach great importance to training our young employees both professionally and socially. In this way, we support their personal development in all areas. The social internship and the stay abroad in particular have a lasting impact on the young people, as the exciting and diverse experience reports show us.’

    Jobs for career start 2025 are already open

    Young people can find all the information they need about apprenticeships and dual study programmes at RENOLIT on the RENOLIT careers website at They can already apply for technical or commercial apprenticeships or dual study programmes for 2025.