[RENOLIT] Healthcare Sustainability Workshops – THE BEST WAY TO ENTER THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY

    Not only activists but also some key opinion leaders (KOLs) from the polymer industry on the quiet, put the environmental impact of our market on the same level to the oil, steel, tobacco and nuclear industry. And that not individually but all these industries combined. This is mostly due to our fossil-based raw materials, the energy hungry production, the health-related issues of many polymer variants and the unsolved problems of recycling and re-use.

    No wonder that customers and end customers feel the same pressure from regulatory, the public perception, and in the future potentially growing financial burdens like we at RENOLIT Healthcare do. This make us all seek for partners, solutions, and ways to escape from this vicious cycle. Luckily with the Circular Economy an economic strategy exists that respects planetary boundaries and helps implement the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. But all beginnings are hard and therefore RENOLIT Healthcare has developed a sustainability strategy called “RENOLIT goes Circular.” This strategy embeds the collaboration on sustainability with customers and offers any customer a workshop concept to ease the entry into this process. Our “RENOLIT goes Circular” team can moderate the workshops between the corresponding teams on the customer’s side with our specialists from all five segments of the Circular Economy: design, resources, production, usage, collection and recycling.

    Arranging these workshops is easy: just fill the form below and we bring your sustainability teams with our “RENOLIT goes Circular” team together.


    Through our Sutainability Workshops we offer you to bring your sustainability experts in touch with our “RENOLIT goes Circular” team. Together we can collaborate on sustainability and enable many quick wins which already have proven to be successful.

    To get in touch with us please fill out the form below. Your message will be forwarded to the nearest regional responsible regarding your interest. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

    * campi obbligatori