Thomas Sampers

    Thomas Sampers
    Membro da Comissão Executiva 

    Thomas Sampers nasceu em Brüggen, na Renânia do Norte-Vestefália, em 1964. Depois de concluir o curso de Gestão de Empresas na FH Niederrhein Mönchengladbach/Krefeld, em 1991, trabalhou em marketing e vendas na SCA Mölnlycke, onde esteve envolvido em projectos internacionais. Em 1998, mudou-se para a Ecolab, onde ocupou vários cargos de gestão internacional. Depois, em 2013, Thomas Sampers juntou-se ao Grupo Paul Hartmann como Vice-Presidente de Marketing Internacional de Incontinência. Depois disso, começou a trabalhar na RENOLIT em Enkhuizen (Países Baixos) em 2017, onde geriu a unidade de mercado estratégico RENOLIT HEALTHCARE. Desde 2020, é membro do Conselho Executivo da RENOLIT, continuando a ser responsável pela Unidade de Negócios Healthcare e algumas unidades centrais do Grupo RENOLIT.

    O atual membro do Conselho de Administração é casado e tem duas filhas. Caminhadas, montanhismo, triatlo e passeios de kitebuggy são alguns dos desportos de que Thomas Sampers mais gosta. Também cozinha e relaxa construindo com Lego.

    Curto e simples:

    • Na RENOLIT desde 2017
    • Membro da Comissão Executiva desde 2020

    LinkedIn: Thomas Sampers

    Artigos de Thomas Sampers no Blogue RENOLIT

    Thomas Sampers


    Background information on blood donation: Save lives, donate blood!

    Every one of us may need a blood transfusion at some point. Whether in the event of an accident, a serious illness or an operation - blood reserves can make the difference between life and death. Yet far too few people still donate blood. On 14 June, it is once again World Blood Donor Day. I would like to take this as an opportunity to encourage you to donate blood!

    Thomas Sampers


    Leadership: Setting intelligent goals

    As a manager, one of your daily tasks is to set goals for teams and employees. As obvious as this may sound, it is often the realisation of this part of leadership that is lacking. As a member of the Management Board, I have made it my mission to further strengthen the leadership culture at RENOLIT. This article is an impulse for intelligent goal setting.

    Thomas Sampers


    Change requires trust and teamwork

    In a changing world, effective change management is becoming increasingly important for companies and their managers. However, successful transformation processes cannot simply be ordered. They require the right framework conditions, a great deal of trust and teamwork. This is also an ongoing challenge for RENOLIT.

    Thomas Sampers


    How polymers save lives

    Modern medicine has massively improved the health of each and every one of us. Polymers have played a major role in this development. It is time to take a second look at this often disputed and controversial material.

    [RENOLIT] Blogue

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